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President’s Letter

The Impact of Neurobiology on
Unity and Harmony

OBy John R. Allbert, MD                                                           matter in the right amygdala (where the brain processes potential signals
                 ne of the purposes of the Medical Society mentioned in           for threat and fear), and it is more active in this area of the brain during
                 the MCMS position statement is “to provide a forum for           risk-taking tasks. Liberals, on the other hand, show more activity in the
                 its members so that by timely meetings and full, frank           left posterior insula, the location for the expression of interpersonal trust.
                 interchanges of views, they may make effective the               There also are genetic differences, such as the genes that code for certain
opinions of the profession in scientific, legislative and public health affairs;  dopamine receptors. The DRD4 exon II tandem repeat on chromosome
secure intelligent unity and harmony in every phase of their work.” I am          11 determines the sensitivity to dopamine. Conservatives, it turns out,
honored to serve this year as the president of Mecklenburg County Medical         tend to have only two copies for the 4-repeat allele and liberals have the
Society and strongly believe our county medical society is one of the             7R+ tandem repeat.
main reasons patients in our community have access to the best quality
of medical care in the country. That said, there is much work to do in            Brain&Behavior HighConservatism                       High Liberalism
maintaining environments that maximize the quality of our physician work          Affiliation
life — whether we are independent or employed. One component of this is
physician advocacy, particularly with local and state government. To be the       Personality    Stability, opposition to change        Novelty
most effective, we must “secure intelligent unity and harmony,” which, as                        Conformity                             Unconventional: self-expression
we all know, can be very difficult.                                                              Tradition                              New experiences and sensations
                                                                                                 Order, structure and closure           Flexibility and variability
   When I went through catechism at the age of 13, my minister told us                           Authority                              Tolerance for uncertainty
that to believe in evolution was a sin. Even at that young age, I already                        Conscientiousness                      Empathy
had a love of science. This line of teaching was so different to what I
knew to be true that I left the church and didn’t return until I was in           Cognitive      Negativity bias                        No clear bias
my 30s. A few years ago, a highly educated CEO of a company with                                 Greater sensitivity to threat or loss  Greater sensitivity to cues for
more than 250 employees told me it was an insult to God to say humans             Physiological                                         altering habitual response patterns
evolved from the same ancestor as a chimpanzee. My first thought was,             Neuroimaging   Greater activation of the right        Greater conflict-related anterior
“How in the 21st century can someone be so ignorant?” However, what                              amygdala                               cingulate cortex activity
was most shocking was that we grew up going to the same church and                               Increased gray matter volume in right  Increased gray matter volume in
had the same parents. That’s right, my own brother. I love and admire                            amygdala and other right anterior      anterior cingulate cortex
him in so many ways, and yet he has different theological and political                          structures
views from me. How can this be?
                                                                                                 Reference: Mendez M, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2017;29:86.
   If you ever have taken a personality test like Myers Briggs with a
group of people and compared the results, you can see numerically                   It is easy to feel people who have different views from us are not very
how different people are. You learn that, as an example, there are strong         intelligent, and with “education” they can be enlightened. Hopefully,
introverts and strong extroverts and everything in between. You also              we all now realize this is, for the most part, not true. Highly intelligent
come to realize your personality type has very little to do with your             and educated people can disagree, and we cannot entirely blame it on
education, your parents’ personality type, or your ability to find success.       parents’ political beliefs, where they grew up, or what news channel they
It turns out that political views can be viewed in much the same way.             watch. It is now apparent our views are significantly influenced by how
                                                                                  one’s brain interprets the environment. We are who we are. That is not
   Political ideology is the philosophy that guides the power to influence        to say that people don’t change. Political views are dynamic. In times of
the social and economic behavior of others and ranges from promoting              uncertainty, like after 9/11, the political views of a population shift to a
the status quo and tradition to favoring change. Based on personality             more conservative direction, while, when the economy is growing and
differences, genetic information and neuroimaging studies, and the                the unemployment is low, a community tends to become more liberal.
effects of brain disease, neurobiological factors mediate where people
fall on the conservative–liberal axis. Conservatives, as you might expect,          The last thought I would like to leave with you is this: As physicians,
for the most part prefer stability, tradition, structure and conformity.          we should do our best to find unity and harmony as we advocate for our
Liberals prefer novelty, new experiences, tolerance for uncertainty and           patients. I believe it’s fine to discuss politics and religion … but do so
self-expression. As an example, conservatives prefer to go to restaurants         with a specific purpose. Our bonds as physicians can become stronger
they know, and they tend to prefer meat and potatoes. Liberals, on the            by simply listening to how others feel about a controversial topic and
other hand, are more likely to go to new restaurants and prefer ethnic            understanding there is a very strong neurobiological reason why they
food. Conservatives prefer more realistic paintings and sculptures, while         may think differently than we do. We can respect viewpoints without
while liberals tend to prefer abstract art.                                       feeling the need to change them.

   Neuroimaging studies show that conservatives have greater gray                   Respectfully yours,

                                                                                  Mecklenburg Medicine • January 2020 | 5
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